Ali Athar
We seem to be in a defeatist cycle of store closures, but it is not inevitable. We just need to re-evaluate the retail business model.
We seem to be in a defeatist cycle of store closures, but it is not inevitable. We just need to re-evaluate the retail business model.
Same-day delivery and rapid Click & Collect has been talked about for a long time now, but very few retailers have managed to succeed. So what’s holding them back?
We offer a new approach called ‘Unified Retailing’, which we believe can help save traditional retailing from the threat of the "Amazons". But what is "Unified Retailing"?
The ‘Amazons’ continue to increase their range. And because they can combine supplier stock with their own stock, they can do so without a proportionate increase in stock investment.
Retail profitability has been declining as a percentage of revenue. So what can we do to fundamentally increase productivity in UK retail? We look at three key areas of focus.
Imagine a software robot, which could track and forecast sales for each product at each location every week, or even daily.
Retailers have invested millions in systems, most of which are focussed on operational support. If they moved to intelligent systems they could further transform their business.
If predictions about excess retail store capacity are correct, the retail landscape will look very different in five years. What does this mean for stores?
You have hundreds of traders working for you, making hundreds of decisions every week that can make or break trading performance. How can you guarantee performance?